Name (Optional) 內容營銷content marketing不應該與原生廣告或產品放置相混淆,因為這些都是付費的推廣形式,廣告商基本上是向出版商租用空間,而不是根據其內容的價值有機地賺取這些空間。內容營銷也不應與數字公關混為一談,數字公關是將有關一個組織的數字故事放在高權威的網站上,以便從這些網站的出版商那裡獲得對該故事的數字報導。內容營銷與數碼營銷相似但又不同,因為它並不只專注於投放;它還專注於創造。雖然這三種活動之間可能有一些交叉
To what extent do you feel that you are aware of the 21st Century framework (themes, skills, tools) and its support systems?  (Please choose the answer that best describes you) I feel confident that I know the framework very well
Do you feel you have the resources and knowledge to provide best practices and model effective technology integration? 0 - Not at all
What is your level of confidence with technology tools? 2 - I know a few applications, but would like to learn more
In your best estimation, which of the below do you see your students in your classes utilizing technology? 3- Analyzing (comparing, mashing, validating, linking, media clipping)
Do you feel that you AND the staff have a clear understanding of the school's expectations for student attainment of 21st Century Skills. 1 - Strongly Disagree
Do you think students can effectively help teachers in integrating technology? No
Would you be interested in a student technologist (directed by Marci and Cindy) coming into your classroom next semester to help you enhance a project with a technology piece? No
If yes, enter your name in this field. 
Our goal would be to hear your goal for your project, then to work with the student integrationist to present an idea to you that would be a technological piece to your unit.   (Use of technology should be appropriate, add to the value of the lesson, actively engage students, and generally support the goals and standards addressed in that particular lesson, unit, or project)  From there we would hope that the student could be a part of your classroom time with the appropriate technology, so that he/she could help you and your students reach the technological piece of your unit.